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»I've got my first AWARD!
Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

huh, sudah lama tak berjumpa dengan blog aku. kangeeeeeeeeen akhirnya akhirnya hari ngepost juga (: ow yaaa aku dapat award dari 3 orang yg berbeda sekaligus. dan ini awardnyaaaaa!

The Rules : (copy from ulfa
-Thank the person who nominated you and give their blog a shout out on your blog with a link to their blog.

-Share 7 random facts about yourself. 
-Send on the award to 15 bloggers whose blog you appreciate and then let them know that they have won the award.

Rules pertama:
I wanna say big thanks for Ulfaa, nisa, and kartika. makasih semuanya atas awardnyaaa! akhirnya dapet award juga :D sayang deh sama kalian *kecupin*

Rules kedua
 this is my 7 random facts

enough for my 7 random facts. next rules 3!

Rules ketiga:
I wanna give this award for my best blogger friends, they are:
@qori aina
@fenny moo
@hegi alkhabid
@kak monica
@bang citra


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words spilled @ 01.03 / leave goosebumps here